Getting Started
Before getting started, you will need to get an Application ID and an Application Secret from a GA SmartBuilding Administrator.
The Application ID will be used:
- Client-side, alone
- Server-side, alongside the Application Secret
Interacting with badge controllers
To be able to interact with a badge controller, you will need to get two elements:
- A badge number
- A server-generated signature
Your App->>+Badge Server: POST /v1/badge
Badge Server->>+Your App: BadgeId and SAR Public Key
Your App->>+Badge Server: POST /v1/signature
Badge Server->>+Your App: Signed certificate
Getting a badge number
The request: POST /v1/badge
Badge numbers are distributed on a one per user device basis. To do so, the server will require three informations:
- The Application ID of the application requesting the badge
- A unique device identifier
- The user's ID from your application
- This ID will only be used to retrieve the badge and to allow you to reconciliate server-to-server interactions
- Optional: Additional metadata used for analytics and troubleshooting
- Optional: An invitation token
According to these requirements, the API call will need to happen once your user has been logged in into your application.
Getting a signature
The request: POST /v1/badge/sign
Once you got your badge number, you will need to sign it, according to the GA SmartBuilding requirements. Once this signature has been done, you will send it to our server in exchange to another signature you will need to store securely.
Server integration
Getting your application's badges
The request: GET /v1/badges
This will return the list of badges of your application
Creating an invitation
The request: POST /v1/invitation
This will return an invitation token alongside a badge id so you can send the invitation token to your user while setting up its access earlier with the provided badgeId.
Your Server->>+Badge Server: POST /v1/invitation
Badge Server->>+Your Server: BadgeId and InvitationToken
Your Server->>+SAR: Badge ID
Your Server->>+Your App: Invitation Token
Your App->>+Badge Server: Invitation Token
Badge Server->>+Your App: Badge Id
Revoking an invitation
The request: PATCH /v1/invitation/:id/revoke
This will revoke the invitation, making the badge number available again.
Receiving webhooks
Our system allows your app to receive webhooks on the following events:
- New badge creation (
The webhook endpoint has to be sent to a GA SmartBuilding Administrator for setup.
Securing your webhooks
All the webhooks we send are secured using a Signature
header, containing a signature of your payload using the following algorithm: